FAR/ANSEF/ICTP Summer School in Yerevan announced

In collaboration with the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), FAR/ANSEF announce the 2019 Summer School and Conference on Complex Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium in Many-Body Physics and Beyond.

The first week of this activity (May 27-31) will consist of introductory lectures aimed at graduate students, postdocs, and junior researchers. Topics include – far from equilibrium physics, many-body coherent dynamics, Anderson and many-body localization, and quantum information processing from many-body physics perspective. In the second week (June 3-7), there will be conference-style talks on these subjects as well as on a broader array of topics at the forefront of modern research in condensed matter physics and related areas.

For more information, visit the school’s site at YerPhi and ICTP